
Monday, October 20, 2014

365QOD- Day1351


"I believe that I understand your issue."- A good start

In yesterday's post I talked about taking the time to understand the issue taht your client has.  This is very important to your success.  Without understanding the issue completely you will sound like a salesperson instead of a problem solver with the best of intentions.  

But that is not enough!

I was so proud of knowing the issue.  This by itself sets you apart from others that are bidding for work BUT I never got to the next level of need.  The next level of need is Impact.  

You must understand the impact that the problem is creating for your client.  Yes I did ask for a paragraph or two detailing the Issue.  Yes I did go and see the problem with my own eyes and  create a 3D sketch of the problem.  

Understanding the problem impact is the next level of selling to a client.  By drilling into the why behind the problem you will learn why the client's bosses felt it was necessary to solve this problem.   They might have even generated a business case for the project.

You can think of the ISSUE as the WHAT part of the problem.  The IMPACT is the WHY part of the problem.  By looking at the two pieces as the what and why you get a better understanding of the client and their boss' pain.

Today's question is:
"How do you obtain the IMPACT portion of the problem?"

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