Expand Your Mind Expand Your Success
"I got lazy. I stopped doing the things that got me the success"- Matt Morris on why he went broke after becoming a millionaire
This morning I went for a run. While running I listened to an Eventual Millionaire show featuring Mike Morris. It was a very good 4.5 mile run and the podcast was very engaging.
What I found interesting about Mike is that he recognized the laziness in himself and others. He recognized that by using the three piece formula
Success= Financial Vehicle + Effort+ Skill Set
Financial vehicle is the business you are in. Are you selling a product? Are you providing a service? What is your way to financial freedom? Is it through working for others?
The Effort piece has to be ongoing never ending drive to outwork others. If you are not getting up early working on your business before getting to your office to execute your business you are behind the next guy. You must work harder than anyone you know. There has to be a sacrifice in order for you to do that. You have to be willing to pay the price in other areas of your life.
Skill Set is something that is easiest to pick up. Initially your skills might not be great. So it will require incredible amounts of work to build up your skills. Expending your skills is very easy. You can read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, etc. Your skill goal is to be within the 1% of the knowledge level for that particular area. In my opinion, this can be achieved in any area of interest within 2 years of daily effort.
One thing that Mike mentions is an example of trying to lift a plane on a runway. He says that one can not get liftoff by having the throttle 50% of the way, 70% of the way. You must have the throttle 90-100% back in order for liftoff to occur.
Today's question is:
"What are your vehicle, level of effort, and skill set level on your road to success?"
"I got lazy. I stopped doing the things that got me the success"- Matt Morris on why he went broke after becoming a millionaire
This morning I went for a run. While running I listened to an Eventual Millionaire show featuring Mike Morris. It was a very good 4.5 mile run and the podcast was very engaging.
What I found interesting about Mike is that he recognized the laziness in himself and others. He recognized that by using the three piece formula
Success= Financial Vehicle + Effort+ Skill Set
Financial vehicle is the business you are in. Are you selling a product? Are you providing a service? What is your way to financial freedom? Is it through working for others?
The Effort piece has to be ongoing never ending drive to outwork others. If you are not getting up early working on your business before getting to your office to execute your business you are behind the next guy. You must work harder than anyone you know. There has to be a sacrifice in order for you to do that. You have to be willing to pay the price in other areas of your life.
Skill Set is something that is easiest to pick up. Initially your skills might not be great. So it will require incredible amounts of work to build up your skills. Expending your skills is very easy. You can read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, etc. Your skill goal is to be within the 1% of the knowledge level for that particular area. In my opinion, this can be achieved in any area of interest within 2 years of daily effort.
One thing that Mike mentions is an example of trying to lift a plane on a runway. He says that one can not get liftoff by having the throttle 50% of the way, 70% of the way. You must have the throttle 90-100% back in order for liftoff to occur.
Today's question is:
"What are your vehicle, level of effort, and skill set level on your road to success?"
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