
Friday, October 17, 2014

365QOD- Day1348

Daily Regret

"What is one behavior you keep doing...and regretting"- Jim Rohm

This is an excellent question.  It was posed by a very great motivator. 

So what is it for me?

I have a tendency of pulling on my cuticles.  To the point that the area around my fingers bleeds.  This is something that I have done for most of my life and it is almost unconscious.  Often times it is while thinking about something stressful that I do it. 

Even though it is unconscious I still regret it.  Recently I have been running an experiment with myself.   I work on not doing it for a day.  Then I try to go two days in a row.  And so on...

It is my goal to win the battle and stop regretting the unconscious choice I make.

Today's question is:
"What is one behavious that you do daily that you regret after you do it?"

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