
Saturday, October 11, 2014

365QOD- Day1342

Your Message

“…Your message has to be super tight and easy to transmit in as few words as possible. ‘1,000 songs in your pocket’ is the answer to ‘what is an iPod?’ Before that, the Macintosh was introduced as ‘The computer for the rest of us.’ If you can boil your message down to just its syrupy goodness, you can achieve lift
—the irresistible force of millions of customers selling your product for you.”-David Meerman Scott

In the last couple of days I read an ebook by David on Viral Marketing.  It was a great short book that gave me a lot of ideas.  The book was written several years ago and it is amazing how the rules he lays out still hold true.

What I liked about this quote is the idea that you must be able.  to reduce your message down to as few words as possible.  The examples he gives reduce it down to 6-7 words at most. This is tough.

Suppose you are an entrepreneur that wants to offer an ebook on time management.  How would you make it syrupy?  Maybe...
The time management book for the overwhelmed people with no time to manage.  

Would this work?   Maybe it needs to be shorter?   
The time management book for the overwhelmed.

Maybe it needs to include a reference to the digital world we are drowning in.
The time management book for the digitally overwhelmed.

Today's question is:
"Can you simplify your message down to just its syrupy goodness?"

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