Mind vs. Mindset
“What makes millionaire
millionaires is their mind.”- Tommy’s belief
This was the opener of a
great conversation I had yesterday with Tommy.
I immediately disagreed by pointing out that it was the mindset and not
the mind that makes a difference. Let me
Many years ago I laid on a
bed not being able to get up. My back
went out and I felt like a Sumo wrestler was sitting on my back. I had a ripped stomach and was in the best
physical shape of my life BUT I could not get up. It took me 45 minutes and drenching sweat all
over my body to get up.
While laying there I kept
thinking how my brain knew that I was physically in great shape. It knew that I had no physical problem with
my back. In knew that I had a strong
core. So strong that I used to do up to
750 crunches every other day.
At that time I recognized
that a mind is not the brain. It is
elsewhere in the body. It could be in
the heart, it could be in the stomach, it could be in the brain, etc.
I concluded that a mind is a
terrible master but a wonderful servant.
This began my journey to self-knowledge and growth. I have read veraciously. I have attempted to adjust my mindset so that
I can control my mind.
Am I successful at doing
it? I am a lot better than I was eight
years ago.
My conversation with Tommy
continued about mindset and the importance of being “preset” and aware. It was not about having a million experiences
but experiencing and understanding this experiences by placing pauses and
achieving clarity.
Today’s question is:
“How do you achieve clarity?”
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