
Thursday, October 23, 2014

365QOD- Day1354

Learning for Sake of Learning

"I can learn...therefore I can improve"- My belief

Recently I was given a gift.  A young co-worker gave me a pdf file of a book.  Along with the book he also gave me serious of lectures that complement the book.

I went home and started reading the book.  I got up to chapter 6 out of 13 and my momentum stalled.  It seemed that I hit a wall.

Then I remembered that I had the videos and started back at chapter 1.  WOW!  I thought I understood the book BUT after watching the videos I really understood.

What it is interesting about this book is that it is something that I might never need in my life.  BUT it is good to know.  It makes me see things completely differently.  

So what is the book?  A book on plant piping design.  

Today's question is:
"How do you learn things for the sake of learning?"

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