
Sunday, October 19, 2014

365QOD- Day1350


"My company offers this solution."- a misguided sales pitch

Recently I have been working with several companies for which I offer proposals for work to be done by a team of engineers and designers.  One of the things that I learned very quickly is to not sell the client on the offer.  


Yes, I would make an appointment and offer to go out to the field to get a better picture of what the issue the client was having.  I often times asked that my client clearly state the issue in one or two short paragraphs.  This would serve as the basis for the meeting and  my understanding of the issue.

After the initial office meeting and discussion, we would go to the field and see the issue that the client was having in front of us.  Then I would return to the office and have a designer generate a 3D sketch of what I saw and the proposed changes that need to be made.  This sketch would then get sent to the client in order to communicate that I understood their issue.

This system is a wonderful way of understanding the issue before submitting a proposal.  But it is not enough.  Tomorrow I will tell you why.

Today's question is:
"How do you understand your client's issues?"

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