
Monday, October 27, 2014

365QOD- Day1358

The End of a Mentor

"RIP"- my words

We all hope that our end comes quickly and in our sleep.  And hopefully we all would be granted such an end.  

On Sunday one of my earliest mentors, Howard Schmid, passed away in the arms of his wife Veronica.  Howard was special to me.  He was someone whose words influenced my behavior during my life.

Mr. Schmid was my freshmen English teacher.  But he was more than that.  He was the first person that told me I was a genius.  Whether I was or was not, his words stuck with me and made me feel like I should live up to that level.  Hopefully, I have.

He was always kind to me with his words of encouragement after I had completed his course and always encouraged me to write.  Well, for someone who had learned English just a year and a half before his class this was very powerful.  It made me believe that I had a voice that others should hear.  

I believe that his encouragement throughout high school helped me become the valedictorian of my school.  I am convinced that his words and nudging helped me become a better student.

Mr. Schmid was the last editor of my first book.  After 10 people had read it I gave it to him to read amd give it its final blessing.  Of course he found errors.  But overall he was very positive about my work. 

His words have always meant the world to me.  Maybe that is why I have finished four books and plan on writing many more in the future.  

THANK you Mr. Schmid.... you were a great mentor and a friend. I will miss you.

Today's question is:
"Who was your first mentor?"

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