
Saturday, October 25, 2014

365QOD- Day1356


"All of the rules are numbered #1"- my observation of Tim S. Grover's chapter headings

Last night I started a book and finished it this morning.  It was a book by Tim called Relentless.  The R word became a new addition to my power virtues that I repeat to myself. 

In the book Tim tells many stories of how he worked with elite athletes when they worked on become icons.  Icons such as Jordan, Kobe, Dwayne Wave, etc.  Each story illustrates one of the many principles taht Tim outlines in the book.

There are two interesting things about the book that were unique.  He numbered all of the rules as #1.  Why?  Because if he used the normal numbering scheme someone might literally think that rule#1 is more important than rule#2, and so on.  He felt that all of the rules were equal and we should not get bogged down in the importance but to focus on adopting them to improve our level.

Second thing that stood out to me is that the rules were all about mindset.  He helped the athletes with their physical limitations or injuries BUT his focus was on the mental game.  What is missing in the book are any physical tasks to improve your performance.  Similarly, he lacks any tools that you could use to adopt the rule.  It is left up to you to think for yourself and embed the rule in your life.

Today's question is:
"Are you relentless?"

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