
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365QOD- Day1061

Real Leaders

"Wannabes are something like metric-maximizing robots.  Given a set of numbers they must 'hit,' they beaver away trying to hit them.  The leader knows their job is very different: not merely to maximize existing metrics, which are often part of the problem (hi, GDP, shareholder value), but to re-imagine them.  The leader's job is, fundamentally, not merely to 'hit a target'- but to redesign the playing field.  It's architecture, not mere archery.  If you're hitting a target, you are not a leader.  You're just another performer, in an increasingly meaningless game."- Umair Haque

This is a powerful quote. It helps differentiate between goal hitting and 're-deigning the field'.  Targets could be given to you and might not be correct.  They are often opinions of what detached leaders of leaders believe it is going on.  They have a good view of external factors BUT when it comes down to specific targets typically they are fuzzy.

As a front line leader you must 're-imagine' the metrics to make them meaningful and actionable. If they are not achievable you are setting your team up for failure.  It is your job to help them feel that they can succeed with your help.

I think that meaningful targets could pull a team forward BUT targets for targets sake are just a game and have no meaning.  The targets are best derived from bottom up once the vision is shared with the team.

Today's question is:
"Do you re-imagine AND re-design targets that are given to you?"

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