
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

365QOD- Day1067

Life Performance Review

“I am great!”- one employee’s comment on their performance review form

At this time of year companies force their employees to do a self-evaluation of their performance.  Their  opinion hopefully matches the opinion of their supervisor.   Either way it is stressful and seldom helpful.

But what I am talking about is an end of year review with yourself of yourself for yourself.  You take a look at your performance across all areas of interest to you(work, family, financial, etc.) and review how well you did or did not do. Now that should be helpful.

I am a firm believer in stopping and thinking through our years.  I have an underlining theme for the year(This year is The Year of the Sales) and I come up with 1-5 goals in each key area of my life.  It is amazing to me but sometimes I do not even look at my list till the end of the year when I realize that many of the items have been achieved.

Today’s question is:

“Have you ever given yourself a Life Performance Review?”

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