
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

365QOD- Day1088

The Seven Year Plan
“I don't know why the word "lazy" gets such a bad rap -- I'm a big fan of lazy.”- Brenton Hayden
Brenton Hayden wrote an article in Entrepreneur magazine about how he constructed a plan when he was 21 to retire at 27.  A seven year plan.  The quote is the start of his article.
After reading the article I noticed that he did not explain his starting point too well.  He mentioned that at 21 he had a business that was a year old.  The article does not explain how much he needed to start the business, where the money came from, and his financial position. 
But you he does do a great job explaining that he came up with a  plant to retire at 27 and that he had to create a business that would be self-sustaining without him.  While reading the article I could not help but note the similarities to the strategy I read in the book Build to Sell.  I take my hat of to him that he pulled it off.
I am impressed with Benton.  He created a seven year exit plan and executed it.  I will all of us were better at creating and executing our plans.  But it is never too late to create and execute.  The execution of such a plan has nothing to do with the financial end.  It has everything to do with having the freedom to do anything that you wish to do for the rest of your life without financial worries.  That is a true freedom.
By the way, I would definitely not classify him as lazy.
Today’s question is:
“Do you have a seven year exit plan?”

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