
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

365QOD- Day1082

Three Types of Entrepreneurship Success Stories- Type3

"OK I Built It, BUT They did not Come.  What is the third type?"- a second realization

According to Eric, the third type of start up story is the We Saw a Need, We Filled It.  This is the story in which the start up founder observes the need in others and creates a product for their need.  The founder is doing this for others AND almost immediately customers start to demand the product.

An example of a founder that fits the We Saw a Need, We Filled It is Sara Blakely.  She saw a need for a slimming product by other women and filled the need by creating Spanx.

The reason for writing this post is to ask yourself if the We Saw a Need, We Filled It narrative fits your life story.  Does it feel natural?  Is it believable?  You are the only one that will know. But you will never will be believable to others if you don't believe it.

Today's question is:
"Does your life story fit the We Saw a Need, We Filled It narrative?"

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