Tools Can Make You or Break You
"Computers are only amplifiers. They can amplify your intelligence
or amplify your stupidity. Which would you like?" -- Richard Campbell
I believe that this quote can easily be re-written and more relevant as: "Smart phones are only amplifiers. They can amplify your intelligence or amplify your stupidity. Which would you like?" Most people would probably rather lose $100 rather than loose their smart phone. They become an amplifier for what we do every day. I know for me my smart phone is a tool.
What I like about this quote is that it instructs that they can be used to amplify one's intelligence or one's stupidity. If I am playing games mindlessly then I am leaning towards stupidity. If I am analyzing an app and later create a better app then the phone is amplifying my intelligence. Outlining a book is intelligence but reading mindless novels is fun but not very productive.
So chose your tools carefully and even better how you use them wisely.
Today's question is:
"Which one are you amplifying?"
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