“What is the point of
being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”- John Green
We all get one life.
This quote brings home the idea of how important it is for us to do
something meaningful with it. That part
is the challenge
Unfortunately, most of our days are no different than the
day before. We tend to live our lives as
if tomorrow is guaranteed. For some
reason we also believe the old age is guaranteed.
The wisdom in this quote is the word remarkable. The word remarkable to me means ‘worthy of
remark.’ If no one comments on my post,
is it remarkable? If no one takes the
moment to think about it how it applies to them, is it remarkable? These are
small ways I can test if my work is being noted or not. In the end if no one follows you or remarks
about you, do you really contribute?
Today’s question is:
“Was your day worth remarking about?”
“Was your day worth remarking about?”
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