
Saturday, January 11, 2014

365QOD- Day1071

The Taste of Pain

“Recycle your pain”- Eric Thomas

The other day I listened to several YouTube segments in which Eric motivates people to not use excuses to live a meaningful life.  The videos are pretty motivating messages that take the excuses off the table.
This line appeared on one of the screen shots and immediately I knew that I had to comment on it.  What does pain taste like?

I believe that we often get motivated or de-motivated by people and events.  Unfortunately, most often it is the demotivating that tends to stick with us.  Just because someone tells you you can not do something we allow it to become our reality.  It does not have to be BUT we just accept it.

This line teaches us to taste the pain of being demoralized and to recycle it to better use.  The taste should motivate us to move forward and achieve.  In many classic Bruce Lee fight scenes he tastes his own blood that someone has caused and gets motivated to kick their tail.

Paint should be the source of wanting to do better.  For most of us it takes a mind shift before we can recycle the pain for benefit.  But we must be like Bruce.  Taste it and use it against the causer.

Today’s question is:

“Do you recycle your pain for good cause?”

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