
Sunday, January 12, 2014

365QOD- Day1072

Delay vs. Deny

“God gives you answers in three ways: he says yes and gives you want you want, he says no and gives you something better, or he says wait and gives you the best.”- Unknown

For many years I turned down every request that my kids made to me.  No matter how medium or large size it was, I just told them no.  Within a week or so I granted their request.  Sometimes I even exceeded what they wanted in the first place.

This line teaches the principle behind my actions.  We often want immediate gratification but life and God do not work in that fashion.  Seldom do we immediately get what we want.  BUT as my kids learned, the short wait is often worth it. 

The principle behind the delay is the old marshmallow study in which kids were asked to deny themselves for 15 minutes when faced with a bowl of marshmallows.  The ones who managed to deny themselves got twice as much candy vs. the tempted ones who immediately dug into them.

Today’s question is:

“Could you delay your want to double your result?”

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