
Friday, January 24, 2014


Dream Job vs. Current Job

“Would you apply to your current job today? If you answered 'no,' then you're among the 50% of executives today who feel disengaged, unchallenged and stuck in the wrong job.* As the New Year begins, now is the best time to stop wasting time in the wrong position — and take action.”- ExecuNet email content

In my opinion, for most people, this question is very dependent on the state of the economy.  During down times people would just keep their heads down and just work.  This is when employers have an advantage. 

But when times get better and opportunity starts to return then the desire for a change and to do better starts rising to the top.  As the quote points out, they “feel disengaged, unchallenged, and stuck in the wrong job” so changing to a better job becomes a must.
The reason I titled this post dream job vs. current job is to point out that often the jump is not to a dream job but to a ‘better’ job.    It might be the better pay.  It might be the less hectic hours.  It might be the new co-workers, etc.  Whatever it is the change might not be to our ideal job.  It just might be a slight improvement over our current one.

Remember that we often make decisions for two reasons: avoid pain or get more pleasure.  So when evaluating anything new ask yourself if you are trying to avoid pain or trying to get more pleasure.  This first decision lets you know if you have the right reason for wanting to make a change.

Today’s question is:

“Would you apply to your current job today?”

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