
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

365QOD- Day1088

Two Mistakes Per Year
“People who don’t take risks generally make about two big mistakes per year.  People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes per year. “- Peter F. Drucker

I happen to work in the chemical industry that is very risk averse.  The potential for loss of life is too great to be accepting of more risk.  So anything we do must go through rigorous process by which the risk level is quantified, understood, mitigated, and eventually accepted. 
But most of our lives are made up of things that will not result in a loss of life.  So to be afraid of making mistakes is silly.  I believe that for most adverse things that could occur to me that I could recover to the same state or better in a short time.  Without having this belief, I would be paralyzed.

The interesting advice that Drucker offers is that no matter what our approach is that we will make two big mistakes.  Acceptance of that wisdom should lead us to be free to risk a bit more.  Hopefully, our lives end up being more rewarding once the risk has been accepted and conquered.

Today’s question is:
“What two big mistakes did you make last year?”

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